Thursday, May 17, 2012

Weekday Update

Opening in email college acceptance letter is way less exciting than opening a real life acceptance letter. But no less nerve wracking. But just in case you didn't hear the news, 

I'm going back to BYU in the fall!

The situation was a little bit complicated. When any missionary comes home early (for any reason, medical or otherwise) they have to re-apply to go back to school before their deferment date. I had pretty much resigned myself to the fact that I wouldn't get back in until January. But NOPE! (insert giant grin here) 

In other news:
-I got several letters from people in my old district. And I found out that one of my old investigators is getting baptized!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
-I'm having surgery July 19th. 
-Annnnd I'm probably going to girl's camp.... BEST NEWS EVER. 

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